Handling New Challenges

With everything shutting down lately and so many parts of our lives changing it's so easy to get caught up in the bad, the negative and in missing of how things were before... AND we can also find ways to find the good in many of these changes and differences in our lives right now. I've had a few days where I wasn't sure I was going to be able to handle everything (working from home full time, watching my kids all day and being a teacher to them also), but I've also had many days that were much better than that. I realized the very first thing that I needed to do was drop any and all expectations I had for myself, my kids and anyone else. Expectations have simply set me up for failure because most of the time when I have so much going on I can't meet those expectations and neither can anyone else. It causes more stress, anxiety, anger, tears and so many other things.The next thing I had to do was give myself grace when I messed up, lost my temper, cried, couldn't get something done for work or anything else like that.
I've seen many people telling everyone to have a schedule, to organize activities and work for your kids to do and to give them projects to do. If your kids are old enough to do these things on their own that may work. When you're trying to work all day while doing these things and taking care of young kids, it doesn't work. It's simply too much. I'm sure there are people in all different situations right now. Some working from home, some still working out of the house, some laid off, some stay at home parents, etc. None of us can possibly know what will work for each person. My best advice to everyone is find what works for you and your family, enjoy life as best as you can, reduce the stress and maintain a little bit of normalcy.
One way we can keep some sanity and normalcy in our lives is to keep up with what we normally do for a workout from home or pick up doing a new workout from home. For me that is doing yoga at least 5 times per week and one day I even did it twice one day when I needed some extra help with my sanity. We can get out some stress, anger and work through emotions this way.
Another way I've been helping myself is to find some stillness and meditate. I haven't made it work for me to meditate daily lately and that is OK. I find that even 5-10 minutes of a guided meditation or stillness and breathing can really help. Do you have a favorite guided mediation app or videos you like? Everyone can meditate, even if your mind wanders.
Pause and think of or write down a few things you're truly grateful for. Get the kids involved too and see how it can help them shift also. If you can make a habit of gratitude everyday that will be huge in your attitude and life. We all have many many things to be grateful for an when we express that we feel much happier, feel lighter and more positive.
The last thing I've been doing is trying to do more is hug my kids more, look into their eyes more when they're talking to me and give them those few seconds or a minute of undivided attention they need then going back to my work or what I am working on. Kids have emotions, stress and a need for love and compassion too. Sometimes that hug or really seeing and hearing them changes the outcome so much.
A few final things to consider as we're in a much different time right now. Are you getting enough sleep? Are you fueling your body 80% of the time with whole foods, good for you foods, veggies and fruit (or whatever best works for your body - we're all different). Are you taking any time for yourself? Are you taking time to play at all? Dance, laugh, play and enjoy life?
We can do this. We are strong and we are resilient. Maybe this is teaching us all much more patience and love that we couldn't have learned otherwise... And remember: It's completely normal and ok not to be ok, happy, joyful, thriving or calm in the midst of all of this. These are simply ways we can help with that, make things better or feel better in the midst of all of this. You are doing a great job!
I would love to hear in the comments how you're doing, some things you're doing to create a little normalcy in your life and some of the things you're doing to make yourself feel good.